Welcome to the SuperPower Wiki!

We are currently editing over 351 articles, 1,082 pages and 454 files.

SuperPower is a series of geopolitical simulation games developed by GolemLabs, that put the player in the seat of a head of state. Players have to navigate a constantly evolving world. Economies shift in strength. Militaries are expanded and defeated. Governments maintain order and fall to anarchy. Looming over every aspect; the proliferation of atomic weapons and anti-missile defenses threaten the stability of the global order.

Players have to manage their countries in several fields, or 'spheres', of statehood; politics, economics, defense and demographics.

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Game Help Help with game mechanics and technical issues.
Multiplayer Information on multiplayer.
Modding All about modifying the game.
Mods Information on existing mods.
Links Links to related sites.
Countries List of all vanilla SuperPower 2 countries.
Military Units List of all Countries Military units (incomplete).
World Treaties List of World treaties.
After Action Reports Strategies or stories from the game.

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